t was a real buzz to be amongst so many people in Melbourne at the Winter Night Market. Chatting and listening to everyone’s life story was key to understanding and accepting that we all have a story to tell!
As a hairdresser and former business owner l know for sure that there are no two stories the same, but yes, there are many stories that are alike in some way. Our stories may be relatable, but ultimately your story belongs to you, as my story belongs to me.
‘Listening’ is key to learning and l loved meeting with all the passers-by at the market. I especially loved chatting with resident author Cam Dusting, author of 'Viral Stories'. We had some very insightful and interesting conversations and l am so happy that we crossed paths.
On a final note, Jaye is the lovely owner of 'Mary Martin Bookshop' and has three stores in and around Melbourne.
When you get time do yourself a favour and immerse yourself into her beautiful bookstores located in Port Melbourne, Southbank and at the Queen Victoria Market.
You will find a variety of 'fiction' and 'non-fiction' books amongst many other amazing things!