CHAT SESSION 16 with Kayla and Julian
Topic- ‘LGBTQIA+’
1pm Monday 14th August
Podcast 🎧

As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, nineteen-year-old Kayla (she/her) urges others to be more open-minded towards sexual and gender diversity, and to always treat people with kindness.
Kayla’s earliest memory of discussion around LGBTQIA+ rights is at the age of twelve, in the classroom at school. During a revision lesson on persuasive writing, the class was asked to select a topic to argue for and against. One student suggested ‘gay rights.’ This struck a nerve in Kayla, as she didn’t understand why someone’s sexuality and right to wed was up for debate. Heated, Kayla was determined to prove to her classmates that ‘love is love,’ regardless of sexual preference. Eight years later, Kayla, along with allies and members of the LGBTQIA+ community, are still trying to prove this.
It was at age sixteen that Kayla considered her sexuality, and later came out to her closest friends and family. It was media representation, more specifically the development of the relationship between Casey and Izzie on the Netflix show, Atypical, that helped Kayla to understand her sexuality, and more importantly, to be okay with it.
At the time, she identified as bisexual, but today, she identifies as pansexual. Kayla acknowledges that for some, these labels can help to better describe their sexuality, but for others, it can make them feel confined. Upon coming out, Kayla was met with the same love and acceptance she had always felt from her close friends and family, something which not every LGBTQIA+ member has the privilege of experiencing.
However, during high school, Kayla had trouble building relationships with her peers, much of which was to do with their aversion towards the LGBTQIA+ community. Their vocal distaste led to many arguments, both virtual and in-person, and made Kayla feel misunderstood, outcasted, and defeated. Kayla believes that LGBTQIA+ education in schools would reduce this stigma, and instead, provide students with an environment where they can feel safe and welcome to be themselves. She hopes that one day this will be included in the curriculum.
For over two years, Kayla has been in a relationship with her girlfriend Nava. Being raised in a religious family with traditional values, Nava was fearful of the reaction of those closest to her, and hence, her coming out journey, like many others, was complicated. These factors, along with an unwillingness to listen and understand, contribute to the longstanding intolerance of and hate towards the LGBTQIA+ community. To her family’s credit, they have since welcomed Kayla and embraced Nava’s sexuality, as ultimately, their child’s happiness was more importance than their beliefs.

When together in public, Kayla and Nava are no strangers to receiving judgemental stares at the sight of them holding hands. On some occasions, they have been subject to inappropriate comments and sexual innuendos. Whether or not it is intended to be complimentary, Kayla describes it as uncomfortable, as her relationship is not for the pleasure of others. Despite this, Kayla is grateful to live in a country that has progressed to the point that it has, as she acknowledges the dangers of being LGBTQIA+ in conservative climates.
Kayla admires the bravery of allies and members before her, and encourages us to listen to and amplify the voices of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially Black and Transgender people. On Instagram, she suggests following @mattxiv for updates on LGBTQIA+ related news and social injustices, and @lgbt_history (Matthew Riemer & Leighton Brown), authors of ‘We Are Everywhere,’ a book chronicling the history of queer resistance and liberation.
Though acceptance has come a long way, there is still much work to be done. Often, children look to adults for support, and therefore, Kayla advises us to be the adults that make a difference; sometimes, all it takes is one person. She hopes that the LGBTQIA+ community can be given a safe space to explore their identities, at home, school, work, and in the wider community. She concludes, “what a shame to allow animosity to shelter you from a world of such diversity.”

Julian is a 24 year old, proud Italian man, a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. With his boyfriend Lindyn by his side, they embrace the acceptance and love they receive from those around them and wish for a world where being who you are is normalised and not criticised.
From a young age, Julian carried an understanding within himself that he was gay. Growing up, this realization quietly existed in the background of his thoughts. However, attending a Catholic school and grappling with the surrounding conservative environment, Julian never felt compelled to openly acknowledge his identity. Despite his persistent thoughts, he struggled to fully comprehend the significance of his feelings, suppressing them due to societal pressures and misconceptions.
As time went on, Julian found himself entangled in a web of confusion, his authentic self hidden beneath layers of denial. It wasn't until later, as he interacted with diverse perspectives and feelings, that he began to embrace the truth he had always known. Reflecting on his journey, Julian realized that the complexity of his emotions was a natural part of self-discovery.
When Julian finally decided to come out to his family & friends, he braced himself for potential challenges. However, the reality proved to be a stark contrast to his fears. Opening up about his identity turned out to be remarkably easier than he had anticipated. Everyone reacted with an unexpected degree of acceptance, exceeding his wildest expectations, with most of them not being that surprised. Their immediate and unwavering support was a profound affirmation of their love and understanding. Julian's apprehensions melted away as he realized that the bond he shared with his family & friends transcended any preconceived notions. This experience illuminated the power of trust and open communication, demonstrating that sometimes, the anticipation of difficulty can be more daunting than the reality. Julian's journey to acceptance within his family & friends showcased the limitless potential for love to bridge gaps and shatter barriers.
Julian’s Nonnas acceptance of him being gay, despite her deeply rooted traditional Catholic beliefs is a testament to the strength of her love. After 4 years of being ‘out’ and now in a relationship, Julian was very anxious to tell his Nonna. Her journey from initial denial to now embracing understanding was marked by her profound compassion. Instead of allowing differences to divide their relationship, she chose to prioritise what she knew and soon realised that nothing was different to what it was before. Through her openness, curiosity and willingness to understand, she demonstrated that love could transcend even the most firmly held convictions. Her acceptance not only strengthened their bond but also exemplified the potential for growth within everyone. This taught Julian the power of patience, empathy and the capacity for transformation, even in the face of deeply ingrained beliefs.
For Julian, LGBTQIA+ represents a vibrant tapestry of identities and experiences, a celebration of authenticity and the right to love freely. It signifies resilience and unity, a community that stands together against discrimination. Looking ahead, Julian envisions greater acceptance and visibility for LGBTQIA+ individuals. He hopes for an evolution where diversity isn't just acknowledged but cherished.
To foster openness, Julian suggests cultivating empathy and understanding. He believes education is key, advocating for inclusive discussions that debunk stereotypes. Encouraging conversations within families, schools, and society at large can foster the empathy needed for a more accepting world.
Julian also emphasizes the importance of media representation, which shapes perceptions. By sharing diverse stories, people can broaden their perspectives and become allies. He envisions a future where a person’s sexuality is respected without question.
Ultimately, Julian's message is simple: let people be happy living as their true selves. Embracing differences leads to a richer, more harmonious society. He encourages everyone to be more accepting of other people’s differences or even at a minimum showing respect to others for being who they are, a most basic human right.
LGBTQIA+ support services
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTQIA+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings, or relationships.
My hope is that when you’re looking at yourself in the
‘The Daily Mirror’
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